
A Kingdom So Fierce, Even Monsters Bow!

While the allure of a Treasure Vault is undeniably opulent, imagine ruling over a realm where such vaults are mere chambers within a grander castle. Introducing the Monstro Kingdoms, where owning isn't just about luxury — it's about dominion and legacy. More than mere NFTs, these kingdoms resonate with power, brimming with vaults and boundless splendors only a monarch can comprehend. Why stop at a vault when you can claim an entire empire, awash with the finest treasures and mysteries of Monstro's Universe? Ascend to the pinnacle of magnificence. Rule your Monstro Kingdom!

Kingdom holders are part of our genesis series and will receive our highest consideration and ongoing benefits as our ecosystem grows and expands. They also are entitled to weekly payouts as part of our Farmz! system.

Kingdoms will begin their first pay period the upcoming Wednesday after purchase. They always start their own dedicated 90/10 ROI cycle and bottom out at 75/25 as opposed to 10/90 - forever!

Last updated